Are chemical substances dangerous? Before answering that, you may want to divide substances into “chemical” and “non-chemical”. Not so easy? Especially the last category?

It is difficult to get very far without understanding the concept of the MOL. Most students find this concept very difficult, but it is an essential concept for understanding qualitative considerations in Chemistry. If you still haven’t grasped it, don’t despair! We promise to get you well on the way of being able to work effortlessly on mol calculations after 2 lessons! Guaranteed! Let us show you how fun Chemistry really is, and how much easier it gets after just a few sessions. Would you like to meet a teacher with a Major in Nuclear Chemistry and 30 years teaching experience?
When students have a fundamental understanding of the periodic table, they accept that 1g of H2 and 1g of O2 cannot react to give 2g of water. But why? We have seen many, many students who do not grasp this. The mol concept, fundamental to any understanding of chemistry, has often been covered in a week or two. No wonder they are struggling. This is something that takes time to grasp, illustrated with lots of examples. Still, we have seen students going out our door after just an hour saying, with a big smile: “Is it really that easy?” The answer is yes, but that is not to say that all difficulties are overcome. Hence examples, examples, and the understanding deepens and deepens helping with many other of the topics: Titration, back titration, enthalpy, entropy…
Some syllabi are very demanding resulting in exam questions that can be very confusing: A and B reacts to form C. C is then oxidized with permanganate to form D, which is then titrated with E to form 0.856g of F. What is the initial concentration of A? Confusing? Not if you know a systematic way of doing it, but the student needs to be thought how to! You cannot expect them to find out for themselves. And when they get it, they really get it and can do the most intricate questions quickly and correct. Again, because they have a solid background. Time well spent with tutors with more than 25 years of experience!
And then there are those horrible reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry! What is the difference between SN1 and SN2 substitution reactions? Again: Understanding, not memorizing things that make no sense!
Have you signed up for a chemistry course at university required for your further studies to become a doctor or biologist, just to find a lecturer who doesn’t have a clue on how to teach? Sitting at his desk mumbling to himself while showing some incomprehensible pictures on the overhead? And you are still not totally at ease with the mol concept?
Have no fear! After the very first lesson you will probably make a sigh of relief thinking: “I CAN DO THIS! It is not so difficult after all.” We guarantee it! So, if you don’t like the lesson, you get it for free.
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